Bald Rock Mountain and Frohock Mountain in Camden Hills State Park / by Greg Westrich

Hike  19 in Best Easy Day Hikes Camden is Bald Rock Mountain. This description is an extension of that hike that also includes Derry and Frohock Mountains.

Bald Rock Mountain has a spectacular view of the coast from the Penobscot River to Owl's Head. Islands dot the ocean like the clouds drifting overhead--Vinalhaven, North Haven, Isleboro, Isle au Haut, MDI. The best part is that you often have to summit to yourself even while Mounts Battie and Megunticook at the other end of the Camden Hills are mobbed with people.

The view from the summit, looking across Isleboro toward MDI

The view from the summit, looking across Isleboro toward MDI

To get to the trailhead from the junction of US1 and ME173 in Lincolnville, drive 2.2 away from the coast on ME173. Turn left on Youngstown Road and immediately turn left again into the parking area.

0.0 miles. The trail follows the Ski Lodge Trail--really a gravel road--uphill.

0.5 miles. Pass the Frohock Mountain Trail. You'll come out there at the end of the hike.

1.3 miles. Turn left onto the Bald Rock Trail.

2.1 miles. Climb steadily through towering pines to the summit.

Spend enough time on the summit to identify all the islands and features in the panorama. On the summit look for blueberries, hilltopping butterflies, and patrolling of dragonflies.

Looking up the coast to Camden harbor with Owl's Head in the distance

Looking up the coast to Camden harbor with Owl's Head in the distance

2.3 miles. Continue across Bald Rock Mountain, descending past two old lean-tos, a privy, and a small cave.

The cave

The cave

2.7 miles. Descend more steeply to the end of the Bald Rock Trail. Turn right onto the Frohock Mountain Trail.

3.5 miles. From the junction, the trail descends slightly then climbs switchbacks to the wooded summit of Derry Mountain.

The view from Derry Mountain is of beautiful mature trees all around

The view from Derry Mountain is of beautiful mature trees all around

4.6 miles. Descend off Derry Mountain, then climb Frohock Mountain. The trail ends at the summit. Again, the view is of the forest.

6.5 miles. Head back to the junction with Bald Rock Trail. Turn right, staying on Frohock Mountain Trail.

6.8 miles. Descend to Ski Lodge Trail. Turn right to return to the trailhead.

7.3 miles. Arrive back at the trailhead.

The hike has 1841 feet of total ascent. About half of that is getting to Bald Rock Mountain. The other half is along Frohock Mountain Trail.